iNPG-pDox is alphabet soup for a new therapy that has been demonstrated to completely cure metastases to the lungs and liver in laboratory animals with triple-negative breast cancer. As reported in a primary article in Nature Biotechnology, and in commentaries in Science magazine, on Science Friday and in many other reports throughout the world, iNPG-pDox has completely cured about 50% of the animals, and increased the survival of the other 50% by what in human years would be several years. cGMP manufacturing for this new drug has been completed, which is typically the hurdle that slows down by many years, or blocks completely the transition of promising research to clinical trials. The expectation is that iNPG-pDox will be the object of an Investigation New Drug (IND) filing with the FDA by the end of 2016, with the objective of starting Phase I/Phase II combined clinical trials in the Summer/Fall of 2017, subject to approval by the FDA. Funding is being sought to support these clinical trials, and additional clinical trials against lung metastases of any origin, as well as primary lung cancer.
Nanotechnology once again defeats killer cancer
Ms. Jackie M. Macha, M.Ed.